Thursday 2 May 2019

''wealth is the ability to fully experience life.''Henry David Thoreou. I think this quote can be defined as in good or bad situations, however, how we can take it or respond to the situation  matters a lot. Being wealthy is all rounded it includes different aspects of life, being healthy, money , living in abundance etc..., but at the end of the day what is important is  the degree of  being content with what ever we have and what ever we do. So being wealthy for me is mostly a mind set how we respond to our life circumstances, good or bad.


  1. I agree Fitsum - It is your attitude of being being content with your life - believing it is good now, in all it's imperfection, not only if your goals are reached.

  2. Yeah Marcella,some times we need some time to reach there,how ever it's good to keep walking forward every day.
